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English translation for "grouping plan"

Example Sentences:
1.Flexible shifting group plan
2.Monitorial - group plan
3.Grade group plan
4.The group plans to launch q9 2001 prc version in the prc market in august 2001
5.The group plans to launch q9 2001 ( prc version ) in the prc market in august 2001
集团计划于二零零一年八月在中市场推出九方2001年版(中国版) 。
6.Ongoing , the group plans to manufacture flat panel televisions in specifications ranging from 14 " to 42 " under its own brand
7.Methods will include discussion groups , role - playing , problem solving workshops , group planning exercises , etc
8.Both research groups plan further studies to identify measures that best predict the risk of progressing to ad
9.The group plans to return to odom ' s house and keep an eye on the sky in the near future , hoping to see it again
10.The group plans to invest approximately hk 30 million in the first phase development of the cambodia factory with 3 production lines
集团计划投资约3 , 000万港元,作为建设柬埔寨新厂房第一期3条生产线之资金。
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